Integrated Care For Everyone

Welcome to a New Era in the Screening, Monitoring and Care Management of Chronic Disease


What We Are Solving in Global Healthcare


Limited patient insight and engagement hinder early prevention.


Inadequate screening and analytics stall timely detection.


Pathways and specialist gaps disrupt global care.

African doctor talking to a group of poeple outside in the village
How We Are Solving

Through Our AI-Enabled Technology, We Are:


We provide local campaigns and a patient app to inform and alert communities, reducing dialysis costs while also minimizing CO2 emissions and conserving water resources.


We provide scalable point-of-care testing and predictive analytics across all demographics, predicting disease risk and progression, screening cadence, and personalized treatment.


We offer tailored care pathways and upskilling for healthcare professionals, equipping primary care providers with effective tools to screen, monitor, and treat CKD.


Meaningful Transformation for Chronic Disease

Carna Health is at the forefront of chronic disease innovation, merging groundbreaking technology with a deep commitment to patient care.

in the spotlight

Carna Health's Latest News

Salvatore G. Viscomi, MD
CEO & Co - Founder

It's time for a novel approach to transform chronic disease prevention and management. As a physician executive and founder of Carna Health, I am immensely proud of the digital platform we've developed to disrupt the trajectory of these diseases. Our solution enhances patient awareness, provides accessible testing, and guides both patients and healthcare providers toward the right interventions. Leveraging AI, our platform improves risk assessment and optimizes treatment, simultaneously upskilling care teams to ensure better health outcomes.